
Thursday 30 July 2020

PST conference

On  the 8th of September (which is just over a month away) the school will be holding the parent student teacher conferences to talk about how well we are doing at school. In preparation of the PST's we have to write what marks we want to get for each subject and how we will achieved it. In all of my subjects I aim to achieve with excellence because it is important to always try your best at everything even if you aren't that good at it.

ENG: In english I am doing OK. Because of the lockdown it was difficult to catch up on all of the work we had.

VAD: It visual arts we have been learning how to draw and shade plants which I am enjoying so far because I like drawing.

SCI: I am doing very well in science and I think the only way for me get better is to do more work at home and revise for my tests.

MAT: I am doing well in maths, and I learn thing pretty fast so it is easy(ish) for me to learn new things.

SST: So far this year I have done OK in social studies. This term I am very proud of the level of work I have achieved.

HPE: I love P.E, it is one of my favourite classes which is why I try every sport even if I am not very good at it.

MOA: In Maori I am doing pretty well so far, although as a shy person, it is hard for me to stand up in front of the class and present things.
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