
Thursday 13 August 2020

Rabbit Proof Fence

 This term in English we have been studying a film called The Rabbit Proof Fence. The movie was about three Aboriginal girls called Molly, Gracie and Daisy who were taken away from their families during the Stolen Generations. The Stolen Generations is a period in Australian history when European settlers took Aboriginal children from their families and put them in settlements where they were trained to be assimilated into European society. 

This movie follows their 1,266 km journey back to Jigalong after they escape from the River Moore settlement. 

I think that it is very  incredible the determination and perseverance these girls would have needed to complete their journey from River Moore back to Jigalong.

1 comment:

  1. kia ora Astin, I am Imogen and I’m a year 7 student at Paihia School in Te Ngahere. I liked how you put a picture of the three girls on your post. I also like how you put some facts in your post about how far they traveled. That is amazing that they traveled 1, 266 km. How long did it take for the girls to get back to their home?
