
Friday 2 August 2019

Waitangi Trip - Weaving digital futures

Yesterday on Thursday our form class, 9M went to Waitangi Treaty Grounds education centre. They held a workshop about weaving digital futures.

When we got their two women called Whaea Kerry and Whaea Monica introduced themselves. They showed us to the computer room which had ipads with different apps open on them. Our class got split into two groups the first group went for a walk around the treaty grounds and the other group(me) stayed in the class room and we spend a few minutes on each station. 

There was sculpt GL- a program that allowed you to shape and mould different shaped pieces of clay. Paint 3D-which was pretty much like a normal painting program. Tinkercad was like a building program. But like you could'not actually build stuff because you could not put a shape on top of one another. All of these programs were done on ipads. Then there was green screen were you stood in front of a green curtain and you could choose a background and then take a video. There was these robots that you could code to do things like move forward and turn around. Then there was virtual reality. You put on these huge google type things and you had two controllers a switch and a trigger controller so you could choose a option on this menu thing and then point the trigger controller and stars or embers came out of the top like a wand. Last but not least and definitely my favourite was the stop motion animation. There was a camera set up and a manikin and lego and plastercine that you could make your video with.

When group 1 came back from their walk we swapped over and we went for a walk. We took a different route from the first group and we went up to James Busby house and we were allowed to go inside and look at all the rooms. It was actually a really big house.After than we all went back to the classroom and had lunch. Soon after that we went back to school.

It was a really fun and enjoyable day and maybe we could use some of these apps to show our work into future.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing such a detailed blog Astin. Enjoyed reading and pleased you had a great time.
